AI & Inclusivity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world we live in by providing equal opportunities to persons with disabilities. AI is helping to promote inclusivity by empowering people with physical and cognitive impairments to function effectively in society. By enabling voice commands, AI chatbots, and virtual assistants, people with disabilities can access various services that were traditionally inaccessible to them. Assistive devices. One significant way that AI promotes inclusivity is through assistive devices for people with disabilities. For instance, visually-impaired individuals can use AI-powered braille readers, which can recognize and translate text from email, books, and other documents into braille. Similarly, people who have lost their limbs can use bionic prostheses to function like natural limbs again. Besides, AI-powered speech-to-text technology that translates spoken words into text enables people with hearing disabilities to follow conversations and par...